A Reminder on Providence

I’ve been hearing frequent mention of God’s active involvement in the midst of this pandemic. Indeed. But let’s not forget God is just as active and involved in the midst of peace. I hope one lesson we learn right now is to be more thankful for God’s providence in our lives. 

In this regard, I came across a story about John Witherspoon, signer of the Declaration of Independence and president of the College of New Jersey at the time. Each day he went to his office at the college, he traveled a couple of miles from home by horse and buggy. One day a neighbor burst into his office, exclaiming, ‘Dr. Witherspoon, you must join me in giving thanks to God for his extraordinary providence in saving my life, for as I was driving from Rocky Hill the horse ran away and the buggy was smashed to pieces on the rocks, but I escaped unharmed!’ Witherspoon replied, ‘Why, I can tell you a far more remarkable providence than that. I have driven over that road hundreds of times. My horse never ran away, my buggy never was smashed, I was never hurt’ (Dale Ralph Davis, Joshua: No Falling Words, 48-9).

God’s remarkable providence is easily overlooked in times of peace and plenty. But his kindness pervades our lives. So give him thanks for every breath you take, every meal you enjoy, every day the sun shines upon your face and the rain falls to replenish the earth, for from him and to him and through him are all things.