Worship at Trinity 

A Warm Welcome

Whether you’re from the area or just visiting, whether you’re a Christian or new to church, whether you come by yourself or with friends and family, whatever age you are and wherever you’re from, you are welcome! If you’re not used to church, or you’re used to a different church tradition, don’t worry; we love having visitors with us. You’ll be greeted and welcomed when you arrive and given a bulletin with everything you need for the service, and no one is ever put on the spot.

Meeting with God

We meet as a church to worship God who created and rescued us from our foolishness and rebellion by sending his Son, Jesus Christ to live and die for us. God the Father calls us together to worship through Jesus Christ by the power of the Spirit. The service begins with a call to worship, reminding us of this great privilege. We confess our sins together and receive God’s forgiveness. We sing to worship the Lord and encourage one another (you’ll hear a combination of ancient and modern songs). We confess our faith. We pray for our needs, our neighbors, the world and God’s church throughout the world. God’s word is read and preached so we can better know God and become more like Jesus. Jesus feeds and nourishes us by the Spirit unto eternal life during the Supper. We close the service by receiving God’s blessing.


Sunday is for worship and Christian love. After the service, we enjoy spending time together. We’d love if you would join us so we can get to know you. On the first Sunday of the month, we have lunch at the church together. Everyone is welcome.

Morning and Evening

We meet for worship and fellowship in the morning (10:45) and evening (6:00). There is no evening service on the first Sunday of each month. At the evening meeting, we start by praying together. We then have a simple worship service: we hear God call us to worship, sing a few songs, and hear God’s word read and preached. Same as the morning, we stick around after the service to be together.

All Ages

Children of all ages are welcome to participate in our services. We love to hear their little voices praising God with us (Psalm 8:2). We expect them to be children. We want kids to know they belong at church and that God calls them to worship, too.