Update on Church life during COVID-19

Dear Church Family,

I’m writing to update you on some changes to our church life in light of developments this week. Since Sunday, the CDC has requested all gatherings over fifty be cancelled for the next eight weeks, and President Trump recommended gatherings over ten be avoided. Governor Tom Wolf has also strongly encouraged the suspension of large gatherings of more than ten people, per White House guidelines. 

In light of these requests by our governing authorities, and out of love and concern for our neighbors, the session has decided to make the following the changes:

    • No worship services at Trinity for at least the next two Sundays (March 22, 29). This will likely be extended, but an update will be sent out near the end of the month.

    • Since we cannot gather together, we are encouraging families to worship together on the Lord’s Day. A simple Worship Guide will be provided and a Video Sermon will be available online

Thank you for being patient with the Session and Diaconate as they prayerfully consider what to do in this ever-changing situation. We will do our best to provide frequent updates. 

Allow me to briefly comment on three aspects of our ministry as a church: the fellowship of the saints, local outreach, and discipleship.

The Fellowship of the Saints

Please don’t think of this time of social distancing as a time for idleness. There is much we can continue to do to care for one another. Check in on one another with a phone call, especially the elderly. The church elders are going to be reaching out to everyone in their shepherding groups to see if there are any physical/spiritual needs. The deacons are prepared to help anyone who needs help with groceries or other necessities. Please reach out if you are in need of any assistance. Needs might include pastoral counsel, groceries, medications, financial assistance, childcare, or simply a need for social interaction while we are all isolated from others.

Local Outreach

I (Pastor Jared) listened to an interview with a pastor in northern Italy this morning. Government mandates have kept them from gathering for over a month now. The pastor and elders have worked hard to help families worship together at home and have made sermons available online. Before the spread of the virus, the pastor said his online sermons were typically downloaded 60-70 times; now weekly sermons are being downloaded 1000+ a week! Pray that the Lord would use this crisis to cause many to seek comfort and peace in the gospel. Pray that when churches are once again able to gather together that many others would come to hear the gospel of God proclaimed. And let’s do what we can to spread the good news of Jesus Christ during this time!

Furthermore, let’s reach out to the vulnerable in mercy. Be mindful of neighbors who may require assistance with basic needs. If you’re aware of a pressing need that you’re unable to meet yourself, reach out to our deacons and they will consider what help they might be able to provide. 


Sunday school classes and small group gatherings are postponed until further notice. But we want to continue to make resources available for the nurture of the saints. This week it may not be possible, but in the future Pastor Jared will try to record Old Testament survey videos for you to watch together as a family. If that isn’t possible, other resources will be made available. Yesterday, Ligonier Ministries provided free streaming to all of their online courses; be sure to take advantage of that tremendous resource. 


A final note about giving. Some among us are are inevitably going to be affected financially. Some of you are already out of work while others will be without work soon. In our generally affluent society, this is a real chance for us to care for one another. As you are able, please continue to give sacrificially so that the work of the church may continue and so that real and pressing needs among us may be met by the body of Christ. Since we are not gathering for the next two weeks, you have a few options: (1) Give Online. There will be a link available on the Worship Guide to give online. (2) Set aside what you plan to give until we are able to gather again (this will require discipline!); (3) Mail a check to

Attn. Kim Najjar

Trinity PCA

698 W Campus Ave

Hollsopple, PA 15935

Finally, I want to express my gratitude for all of you. God’s grace among you has been evident during this time. It’s been an encouragement to see you caring for one another. Let’s continue to serve as we are able. We will do our best to keep everyone updated on any other changes. Some in our congregation do not use email. If you’re aware of anyone who may not be able to access this letter, would you please pass along this information to them? Thank you! 

Feel free to contact me any time if you have questions or would like to talk (Pastor Jared’s cell: 814.341.9726). We will truly miss something these upcoming Lord's Days - worshiping and fellowshipping together. Being together bodily in the presence of the Lord is irreplaceable. Let us pray for this season to quickly pass; it will be a great joy to be together again. I eagerly look forward to the day we are able to gather together once again. Until then, let's pray for one another, our community, our country. Let's not forsake the worship of the Lord as families, and let's strive to serve the Lord Jesus to the glory of the Father. 

Grace and Peace in Christ Jesus, 

Pastor Jared