Lord’s Day Worship

May 5, 2024

Every time the Church assembles to celebrate, to “proclaim the death of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:26), it proclaims also the end of the world and the failure of the world. It contradicts the world’s claim to provide men with a valid justification for their existence, it renounces the world: it affirms, since it is made up of the baptized, that it is only on the other side of death to this world that life can assume its meaning: on the other side of death to this world, that is, in resurrection with Christ. Christian worship is the strongest denial that can hurled in the face of the world’s claim to provide men with an effective and sufficient justification of their life. There is no more emphatic protest against the pride and the despair of the world than that implied in Christian worship.
— Jean-Jacques Von Allmen